Sunday, October 03, 2004

visitors from America - incoming!

Hey you -

The next three weeks I'll be enjoying the company of guests from the fabled land of Milk & Honey - my dad and Mary are flying in to Yerevan 3:40 am June 19th, and I'll be at the airport to meet them. Don't expect any mail coming out of Armenia for a while - if you've written, it'll be your turn to bask in smug self superiority, and won't that be pleasant? After the three weeks are over, life will return to normal, and I'll catch up on all my mail, I promise. You just have to wait 'til then.

The renovation of the karate school continues - we've got the roof done and the windows in. The finishing work on the windows will be completed in the next week or so, and then the major work of tearing up the floor and rebuilding it will start. Classes have been moved to the nearby sports school building (a huge decrepit Soviet relic) for the interim - once we started punching holes in the walls, the classes had to be moved.

Despite the use of the pronoun 'we', I don't actually do anything. I'm not allowed to. My job is taking photos of the progress and handing out the money, and I fulfil its’ requirements admirably. O, the rigors of the Peace Corps! How shall we survive, how shall we ever survive?!???

Somehow, I'm managing.

Love and squalor on all your pointed little heads -



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